3 Sisters Planting History. Add compost or other materials such as peat moss or manure to the soil. There are several legends surrounding the three sisters;

You’ve raised many good points about present day varieties and what earlier civilizations would have planted. The three sisters method is companion planting at its best, with three plants growing symbiotically to deter weeds and pests, enrich the soil, and support each other. A new twist on the three sisters garden layout, planting methods and history history of the three sisters garden the three sisters garden is an american indian tradition that was introduced to to the english pilgrims after making their way to the new world.
In a three sisters garden, corn, beans and squash plants are grown together in a mutually beneficial arrangement.
The three sisters planting combination is one of the oldest examples of companion gardening. We wanted to do the 3 sisters planting as a nod to their culture. The director of the program we work with wants us to use fava beans because they are popular with the families. The three sisters planting combination is one of the oldest examples of companion gardening.