5 Leaf Plant Identification. Choose your leaf shape and click on it: Some are wide, (like oak or hydrangea leaves) while others are narrow and resemble needles (like pine needles) or scales (like cedars).

Leafsnap can identify a plant from any photo containing various parts of the plant such as leaf, flower, fruit, or tree bark. Plant identification can currently recognize 90% of all known species of plants and trees, which covers most of the species you will encounter in every country on earth. Compared with a simple leaf, the little leaves that make up a compound leaf are called leaflets and can be arranged in one of two ways:
How to tell plant leaves apart.
Colorado native plant society plant lists and keys ; Catalog of the colorado flora: Virginia creeper is frequently mistaken for poison ivy. This can lead to the algorithm getting a bit “confused,” but bear with us, our gardening app is constantly learning and updating!