9 Pronged Leaf Plant. These plant experts share the 11 best indoor plants that are easy to care for and best at purifying the air. Take a look, and enrich your knowledge.

Saxifraga x geum works as a small scale groundcover or a rock garden plant. I read that the percentage of sativa/indica in a strain has something to say, but haven't had it confirmed. These plant experts share the 11 best indoor plants that are easy to care for and best at purifying the air.
I have grown many og's that throw 3 leaves all the way to harvest.
My og twist and goji og both do this. The fall foliage is yellow to red. (1) leafy or foliaceous bract (2) petaloid bract (3) spathy bract (4) involucral bract (5) scaly bract (6) cupule (7) epicalyx (8) glume and (9) lemma and palea. Ash leaves are smaller, dark and grow in a smooth, oval shape, often with a small point at the tip, with many tiny leaves growing on a single branch.