Alabama Native Woodland Plants. Alabama has a rich diversity in a plant life. While new plants may require supplemental watering during the first year of establishment, the care of your woodland garden will be minimal, much like it is in a natural woodland setting.

See more ideas about shrubs, plants, native plants. This is a federal and alabama state listed noxious weed. Many of these species are difficult to start and slow to grow from seed.
This entry was posted in native plant species, native woodland ground covers, native woodland plants and tagged city of minnetonka website, mn dnr website, native plant market & eco fun fest, native plant suppliers in minnesota, native woodland ground covers, plants of local origin, selecting native plants or seeds.
The goal of this website is to provide the user with the necessary information to identify plants found growing wild within the political boundaries of the state of alabama, usa. They are adapted to local soil, rainfall and temperature conditions, and have developed natural defenses to many insects and diseases. Rare plants, native & exotic online purchases from woodlanders. Some commonly cultivated plants are also included as they can often be found growing near old homesites and appear wild.