Any Plants That Repel Mice. Here are some ideas of plants that repel mice for indoor and outdoor containers or beds: This works to repel mice and other rodents in two ways.

This can be a cruelty free way to control a mouse population and a way to avoid traps. These critters can eat young plants, seeds and dig up bulbs. Subscribe we respect your privacy.
Mice and rats will leave your home if you expose them to a scent that drives them away.
Catnip catnip is well known for attracting cats, but it has the opposite effect on mice and other pests. Using this advantage, you can save yourself the stress of applying costly rat extermination methods. First, the smell of the menthol in the oil completely masks the smell of the pheromone trails that rodents use to navigate their world. Mice can are a pest and during the winter months they usually bunk up inside to try and seek shelter from the cold.