Asphalt Mixing Plant Pdf. Asphalt mixing plant/amp (unit produksi campuran beraspal) adalah seperangkat peralatan mekanik dan elektronik dimana agregat dipanaskan, dikeringkan dan dicampur dengan aspal untuk menghasilkan campuran beraspal panas yang memenuhi persyaratan tertentu [17]. Aimix asphalt drum mix plant is suitable for road paving and maintenance.

The asphalt drum mix plant process is simplified. Aimix asphalt drum mix plant is suitable for road paving and maintenance. It was worth more than usd 3.8 billion in the same year.
Asphalt drum mix plant is a continuous mixer in which heating of aggregates, its homogeneous mixing and addition of set amount of bitumen and filler is done in the drum itself.
Speco has developed a innovative fuel gas treatment system to preserve environment. Asphalt plant speco is one of the leading manufacturer of hot mix asphalt plant, ready mix concrete plant, and crushing plant with 33 years of accumulated experiences, technologies, and knowhow since its establishment 1979. 3 asphalt mixing plantyang ada di lapangan. Asphalt mixing plant/amp (unit produksi campuran beraspal) adalah seperangkat peralatan mekanik dan elektronik dimana agregat dipanaskan, dikeringkan dan dicampur dengan aspal untuk menghasilkan campuran beraspal panas yang memenuhi persyaratan tertentu [17].