Australian Edible Plants Book. Australia’s first colonial cookery book was published by edward abbott in 1864. F irst published as a hardback, this has become the standard field guide to wild foods in australia, going through many printings and remaining continuously available since first publication in 1988.

The book also includes aboriginal use of plants including medicinal properties when known. Colour photos for easy identification. Includes a guide to the care and planting of fruit trees, climatic zone and essential reason for growing your own food.
A growing interest in weed foraging has seen edible weeds tours spring up in many major australian cities.
A source book of australian legal history source materials from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, john michael bennett, alex cuthbert castles, 1979, law, 299 pages. Also known as “wild hibiscus”, this hardy edible is thought to have originated in south asia, and may have been introduced to australia by indonesian fishermen. Over 950 photographs help to identify the plants. She encouraged us to use all our senses to feel, hear, taste, see, and tune into the environment and get to know our country.