Avocado Pit Planting In Soil. Give your avocado plant an occasional deep soak, letting the soil dry out in between waterings. In california and chile growers in the know are planting avocados close together, mixing “a” and “b.

For either method, you first need a ripe fruit from the supermarket. Plant the sprouted avocado seed into the potting soil so that the tip of the pit is just below the soil surface. Once your avocado seeding is about 6″ to 7″ tall you can thinking about planting him in some soil.
However, many gardeners enjoy growing avocado trees as a decorative houseplant or as part of their landscaping.
This is the method recommended by david, from “the survival gardener”. Open your avocado carefully so you don’t cause damage to the seed inside. Plant the sprouted avocado seed into the potting soil so that the tip of the pit is just below the soil surface. Similar to planting a pineapple or olive tree, there are two ways to stimulate the root growth of an avocado pit.