Avocado Plant Care Brown Leaves. Avocado houseplants that do not get enough water may exhibit symptoms such as fading or wilting foliage, or experience slow plant growth and dry, brittle leaves. What do brown tipped leaves on an avocado tree indicate?.
Question whats causing these brown spots on my potted from www.pinterest.com
If you have enough patience, your seedling will eventually turn into an attractive little specimen with glossy, oval leaves 4 to 8 inches long. Avocado trees, even ones in the ground, have trouble drawing up enough water and browning at the end of the leaves is very common. It did not get much sun at all this winter but now it has full southern exposure.
About 4 days ago it proved otherwise;
Many time new growth will sprout from what looks like a brown and dead. As your avocado plant grows, you can help encourage new leaves with the pinching technique. Could this still be a salt problem? After reading posts, is may be salt accumulation but it’s not only the tips that turn brown.