Baby Tears Plant Care Outdoors. Where to grow baby tears. Colombiana dazzles with tricolored foliage of bronze, silver, and red.

On may 29, 2004, jrenee25 from san antonio, tx wrote: We love our baby tears, they are planted at the bottom of our palms in giant pots, the baby tears drip over the side in a cascade of soft green drapery. This makes an exceptional, hardy plant for filling in unforgiving spaces with a verdant carpet.
The plant is named after m.
Helxine soleirolii ) is a creeping perennial with tiny rounded leaves. Alternatively, the soleirolli’s leaves are shorter, thinner and have smooth edges. Because of its fast growth you will want to trim it back from any plants, patios, and walkways during its growing season. This makes an exceptional, hardy plant for filling in unforgiving spaces with a verdant carpet.