Baby Tomato Plant Leaves Curling. Curling tomato leaves may be a sign of a viral infection. Curling could be due to over watering (in lower temps the plants likely won’t need as much water).

Too much water chokes tomato plant roots; Notice its leaves on the right side are withering this is the unknown plant mentioned above, potted in the same pot as the first tomato seedling other facts: Stunted plants with general yellowing of the leaves is an indication of nitrogen deficiency.
They were so healthy great and lushes the first 3 days.
Don't reach for the hose yet, however. Plants are in full sun with no shade at all. Jun 20, 2019 the tomato leaf curl virus is a yellowing and upward curling of leaves on a tomato plant. The leaves of tomato plants often respond to different stresses by curling or rolling.