Bacopa Compacta Aquarium Plant. Voorzone max hoogte van de plant: Diese pflanze ist eine form von bacopa monnieri, die sich unter wasser von selbst stark verzweigt und kompakte büsche bildet.die firma tropica führt sie unter dem sortennamen bacopa monnieri 'compact'.

This culture form of the stalk plant bacopa monnieri is more compact and, under good light conditions, almost a creeping plant. This particular species is safely one of the most popular aquarium plants for beginner hobbyists due to its hardy and easy care. Bacopa amplexicaulis is larger in size when c
Grazie alla sua esperienza, ha collaborato con aziende di spicco come dennerle e tropica aquarium plants, immettendo sul mercato specie ricercate e/o selezionate da lui stesso a cui ha dato anche il nome.
Compacta has pretty fresh green leaves but remains much more compact and develops a great structure. Nieuwe kweekvorm van de welbekende bacopa monnieri. Furthermore, the plant grows well in the shadow of other plants. This particular species is safely one of the most popular aquarium plants for beginner hobbyists due to its hardy and easy care.