Banana Plant Care In Pot. Although they are tender plants, some species are hardy enough to leave outside over winter, especially in the milder parts of the uk, so they are worth experimenting with in the garden. Fertilize your growing banana pepper plant with organic vegetable fertilizer twice a month.

Remove all but the smallest leaves. To grow a banana plant inside, first of all you will need a pot, large and deep enough to accommodate its roots. Grow this plant in a location where it will be sheltered from the wind as it is very susceptible to damaged leaves.
Dwarf red, dwarf cavendish, dwarf brazilian, rajapuri, dwarf jamaican, etc are some of the commonly known dwarf banana varieties which can easily be grown in a limited space at home.
Banana plant prefers humidity levels above 50%. Pot bound, unfertilised and low temperatures will slow or completely stop growth. Banana plants have a generally irregular shape. To grow a banana plant inside, first of all you will need a pot, large and deep enough to accommodate its roots.