Basil Companion Plants Peas. But more likely, they will share the same soil, nutrient, sun, and water needs. So just which plants make good garden pea companions?

Includes charts of vegetables, herbs and flower companion planting combinations. The plants are listed by the plants they like, the ones they don’t and also if they are a perennial (otherwise they are an annual or biannual in this mediterranean climate). Works well in salads (tuna, greens, potato, egg).
But more likely, they will share the same soil, nutrient, sun, and water needs.
This process is known as nitrogen fixation, and it is the main reason why peas are beneficial to many garden vegetables. Last year i also learned to make (and enjoy) pesto for the first time! Beans are all nitrogen fixers of the soil, so they should be planted next to plants of the brassica family, carrots, celery, chard, corn, cucumber, eggplant, peas, potatoes, radish and strawberries. For this reason, it should also be planted next to asparagus.