Beans Companion Plants Nz. And not only is it easy, it’s completely organic, too. Planting pole beans or bush beans near your carrot plants will ensure that the carrots have rich and healthy soil in which to grow.

Companion planting and combining means growing plants together that like or benefit each other. Marigolds are an important companion plant that are beneficial when planted throughout your garden. Carrots also enjoy lettuce, onion, peas, radish and runner beans.
Flowers that make good companion plants for potatoes.
Nasturtiums make a good companion plant for carrots and a wide variety of other plants because they repel aphids, cucumber beetles, and other pests. Try planting a pumpkin in the middle of the pot surrounded by climbing beans and corn. Companion plants provide shade and shelter, control weeds, enrich the soil, improve flavor, and repel pesky insect predators without the use of noxious chemicals. Carrots and leeks are perfect companions.