Bee Friendly Plants Florida. While we specialize in bee removal, we wanted to create this list of bee friendly plants to help attract our pollinating friends and improve your gardens. African blue basil is a hybrid between camphor basil and dark opal basil that does not produce viable seeds.

By cultivating a variety of plants that flower successively throughout the fall, winter and spring, you can help feed the bees during the coldest months when few blooms are available. Bee friendly plants in central florida. Spring is finally here and with the danger of frost out of the way, it’s time to get your garden back in shape.
It is a common misconception that all blooming plants provide food for bees.
No matter where you reside in florida or your amount of butterfly garden space, you won’t be at a loss finding plants that attract the colorful beauties. Do you remember day trips in the summer as a child when the windscreen was full of bug road kill by the end of the day? Beekeepers in warm climates can choose from a number of bee trees. These plants are great sources of nectar and pollen for bees.