Bee Friendly Plants Washington. Another option would be to check with your local cooperative extension. Washington a nappc and pollinator partnership™ publication.

Most of us are familiar with the colonies of honey bees that have Plants for bees will provide plenty of nectar, and many of these plants that attract pollinators are preferred by hummingbirds and butterflies too. This guide includes photos of 2,800 tropical plants (mostly ornamentals), with a list of those attractive to butterflies and to birds at the back.
Native plant species list for the b.c.
They also keep our ecosystems healthy by helping plants reproduce. , which does hive management, swarm and extraction services, and beekeeping consulting. The byproduct of this process is the pollen getting stuck to the pollinator's body (such as a bee collecting pollen on its legs) and being transferred to a different flower. You don’t have to be an expert to design a bee garden.