Bee Loving Plants Australia. Bee balm is a perennial in the mint family, and it produces flowers in a variety of colors. A planting guide for european honeybees and australian native pollinators also has an extensive planting guide for urban and rural australia.
50 Natives Pennsylvania Monarda didyma (Bee Balm from
Novice beekeepers are often confused as to what honey plants and flowers they should plant in order to provide bee forage for their bees. These animals and critters are generally attracted to plants that produce pollen, nectar and seeds, so planting flora with these elements in mind can encourage them to make a visit. Plants from the daisy family are highly attractive to native bees and flower for an extended period of time.
10 plants that bees love.
A garden of any size can contain flowering plants, and if bees range over a variety of different flowering plants then they are stronger and healthier. We ran a survey in aussie bee bulletin asking readers across australia to nominate the favourite flowers loved by their local native bees. It is a fairly vigorous perennial, which makes drop its leaves in winter in cold areas. As spring turns to summer in tasmanian gardens, things are really taking off.