Beef Processing Plants In Florida. Petersburg, clearwater, lakeland, bradenton and orlando. State of the art beef processing plant is looking for candidates with any of the following types of experience:

As beef processing plants slow due to the coronavirus, california cattle ranchers, feeders and auctioneers are scrambling to adjust to a new normal. Additional “per pound” processing fees will be added for the cuts you order and other services you select, such as curing and smoking. Ok sounds good but then i looked at the description of the place and saw animal shelter.
They bring useful resources to the network’s attention, provide information and updates on niche meat processing development efforts, and keep the network relevant by identifying priority problems and challenges to niche processing.
This was no staged tour. We continue that philosophy today with our promise to provide the best products at the best possible rates. Slide of mobile slaughter unit set up for beef cow harvest on farm during sunny day current slide slide of butcher humanely slaughters beef cow in restraining pen on farm before mobile meat processing slide of butchers cleaning beef cow with water after bleeding outside mobile slaughter trailer slide of butcher in blue tying winch cable to rear leg of wagyu beef cattle to pull into mobile. Amid a fear that local meat processing plants might also shut down, some smaller livestock farm operations in florida have been looking to get usda certified so they can process their own meat.