Bird Of Paradise Plant Varieties. If you know bird of paradise plant mainly as a florist's flower, then most likely the type of bird of paradise with which you are familiar is strelitzia reginae. Juncea, also known as narrow leaf bird of paradise, looks a lot like the most common species, s.

There are five varieties of this perennial plant, the most common of which is the strelitzia reginae and strelitzia nicolai, or the white bird of paradise. A single leaf can exceed five feet in length. The bird of paradise plant is an exotic beauty that flowers in winter.
What you need to know about bird of paradise name:
Mandelas's gold produces yellow blossoms instead of the typical orange. These bird of paradise varieties grow well in warm, cold, frosty and humid climates. Dwarf bird of paradise such as humilis and pygmaea only grow 18 to 20 inches tall. These plants are not necessarily a good choice for every yard.