Blue Grass Plant Australia. Place blue fescue grass in clusters along a border as a bright accent to other perennials. Ideal used in rockeries, borders and cottage style gardens.try planting within the foreground of a mixed selection of contrasting ornamental grass varieties for maximum impact.

Plant it in a rock garden and enjoy the soft blue hue among the browns and grays. Ideal used in rockeries, borders and cottage style gardens.try planting within the foreground of a mixed selection of contrasting ornamental grass varieties for maximum impact. Gardeners like its ease of care and its fine texture, which makes it a good companion plant for heavier or more dramatic plantings.
It is a cool climate grass, best suited to areas with mild to warm summers and colder winters, like victoria and tasmania.
Great for massed planting and for bordering, it makes a great native substitute for liriope. Native to europe, ornamental blue oat grass (avena sempervirens syn. Borne atop flattened flowering stems, they bloom profusely in late spring and early summer. The grass is also an attractive foil for wide, leafy plants and provides contrasting texture.