Blueberry Companion Plants Permaculture. This was the case for myself when it came time to start thinking about beneficial groupings of plants and those groupings that do not go well together. We're picking berries now, although the new plants are still pretty small.

Finally, it is also a good idea to think about the flowers that it is beneficial to grow alongside potatoes. These plants have also the same growing problems for blackberries. Department of agriculture plant hardiness zones.
These plants have also the same growing problems for blackberries.
The problem with acidic soil and tomatoes is that they aren't able to take up the needed calcium to develop their skins, and so they get blossom end rot. There is nothing like a bowl of sweet blueberries, companion planting blueberries is fun and delicious. Underplant the bushes with scotch heather (calluna vulgaris), which grows in usda zones 4 through 6 and native to conditions almost identical to blueberry. A mimosas volunteer seedling has been allowed to live,with the hopes it will contribute dappled shade and nitrogen.