Bottle Brush Plant For Sale. Great attractors of pollinators, the bottle brush tree is a close relative of the paperbark melaleuca. That’s saying a lot considering that most of the time i change my mind on my favorite plants and usually end up changing things out in a year or two.

This attractive plant blooms on and off all year, more in warmer months. Each fuzzy red flower resembling (what else) a bottle brush attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, making this plant a good choice for a butterfly garden. Bottle brush plant callistemon linearis 2 litre pot.
Lemon bottle brush callistemon citrunus.
The bottle brush tree (callistemon), belongs to the myrtaceae family. 1 to 75 (of 175 products) items per page. Get 1 free product today all india delivery lowest prices. Most bottlebrush varieties bloom over a long summer season in shades of red or crimson.