Brandywine Tomato Plant Size. Vines yield tomatoes that ripen gradually until frost. Plant was very late producing blossoms, and no tomatoes so far this season, when other plants are loaded and just starting to ripen.

Plant size 7 to 9 feet tall; Click here to know about tomato disease/ pest resistance Plant was very late producing blossoms, and no tomatoes so far this season, when other plants are loaded and just starting to ripen.
Blooms, sets fruit and ripens until killed by frost.
They are large enough that a single slice will cover more a hamburger bun. Indeterminate tomato plants will grow and produce as much as they possibly can, which means they can reach well beyond 6 feet tall and produce a staggering number of tomatoes until something — usually the first frost — kills the plant. This heirloom type has good, old time tomato flavor. Blooms, sets fruit and ripens until killed by frost.