Breast Implant Illness Eyes. In fact, most information about breast implant illness (or bii) is being spread via social media groups: The earlier breast implant symptoms, as reported by the over 100,000 women in the facebook group breast implant illness and healing by nicole are fatigue/low energy, cognitive problems, headaches, joint and muscle pain, hair loss, recurring infections, swollen lymph nodes, rashes, ibs, problems with thyroid and adrenals and autoimmune symptoms.

During my illness i learned to love myself through the pain that so many other women go through. A new study released in july, “understanding breast implant illness, before and after explantation” in the annals of plastic surgery, showed significant health improvements—no more aches, memory and hair loss, skin irritation, and so on—30 days (and beyond) after breast implant removal among 752 patients. March 2019, the fda officially added “systemic symptoms (breast implant illness (bii))” to their risks of breast implants.
Breast implant illness (bii) is the term used to describe symptoms associated with breast implants and can range from joint pain, skin rashes, hair loss, and headaches to chronic fatigue, anxiety, neurological issues, and brain fog.
To minimize your risk for infection, implant rupture, and breast cancer illness, closely monitor your breasts after your procedure. There has been a great deal of controversy and unanswered questions regarding breast implant illness and the safety of breast implants especially after the fdas confirmation of the risk of breast. March 2019, the fda officially added “systemic symptoms (breast implant illness (bii))” to their risks of breast implants. My journey with breast implant illness has taught me so much.