Breast Implant Illness Rash. Fatigue, memory loss, rash, brain fog, weakness, and joint pain. Systemic symptoms [breast implant illness (bii)] symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, rash, brain fog, and joint pain may be associated with breast implants.

Follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions closely. Autoimmune symptoms and “breast implant illness” october 5, 2018 augmentation risks , reconstruction risks biadmin thousands of women have reported health problems after getting breast implants, including muscle and joint pain, chronic fatigue, mental confusion, rashes, dry eyes, and hair loss. Respiratory problems, along with brain fog and inflammation are widespread among women with breast implants and are common symptoms of mould illness.
It appeared about a week after surgery.
Some patients may use the term “breast implant illness” (bii) to describe these symptoms. Legal help for victims of breast implant illness In this section we discuss the early symptoms and provide a longer, inclusive list of symptoms. Knowledge of breast implant illness begins on a grassroots level, with facebook groups paving the way in helping patients recognize and understand the disease.