Broccoli And Cauliflower Companion Plants. The cauliflower grows in a head, similar to a cabbage or lettuce. Tips for growing broccoli and cauliflower:

Other companion plants become shade providers for more tender plants, which is the case when broccoli is used as companions for other plants, such as leafy greens. It will help to ward off many brassica pests including, whitefly, aphids, and the dreaded cabbage white butterfly. It is essential to do regular watering with these plants.
These include plants like cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbages.
Beans and cauliflower simultaneously deter harmful pests and attract beneficial organisms. Planting beans as a companion to cauliflower is the best possible companion combination. Other names — brassica oleracea botrytis (latin name), romanesco broccoli romanesco cauliflower, romanesque cauliflower, buzzy broc romanesco broccoli is also called “broccoli apple” and “cauliflower with turrets”. Stimulates growth of companion plants.