Broccoli Companion Plants Australia. Whilst eating garlic might keep companions away, planting it with other vegetables in your garden is a great idea to help with pests and to help your garlic and other plants thrive. For example, members of the legume family (beans etc.) draw nitrogen from the atmosphere and add it to the soil around them.

However if you group different types of plants together you bring a balanced ecosystem to your garden, allowing nature to do its job. Most gardeners have heard of the benefits of companion planting, but many are confused about just what companion planting means and how its principles can be applied in the garden. Companion planting means putting plants together in the garden that like each other, or help each other out.
Along the edge of the cauliflower there is also a row of onions.
Companion plants may also act as natural trellises, help retard weeds, or retain water which reduces the amount of management a gardener has to do. See more ideas about companion planting, companion planting guide, growing vegetables. In a sunny spot, fill pots or trays with yates seed raising mix and sow seeds. Essentially, broccoli and cauliflower are sisters… albeit sisters with different coloured heads, but sisters all the same.