Broccoli Companion Plants. If you’re already growing this veggie or you intend to start and are. Companion plants, with differing nutritional needs, also work harmoniously to balance nutrient levels in the soil.

Instead, according to companion planting made easy, broccoli might actually be toxic to lettuce seedlings. Cabbages help hold up dill, which can be floppy and often requires staking, while dill attracts predatory wasps that kill cabbage worms and other pests. When old broccoli plants are left to decay in the soil, they have caused harm to lettuce.
First, many companion plants are already plants you would grow in your garden.
How to grow an edible garden. Here’s what to plant with it: 5 garden supply items for under $10. Companion plants may also act as natural trellises, help retard weeds, or retain water which reduces the amount of management a gardener has to do.