Broccoli Plant Growing Conditions. The most common diseases in broccoli include botrytis mold, bacterial soft rot, and powdery mildew. Broccoli (brassica oleracea) is a member of the cabbage family, along with cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and collard is an excellent plant to grow, because not only is it one of the most nutritious of all vegetables, but it is fairly easy to maintain and is not fussy.

A good yield after years of experience would be 20 tons per hectare (1 hectare = 2,47 acres = 10.000 square meters). Space broccoli plants according to the label (usually 18 inches apart). Water regularly and feed with a high nitrogen fertiliser every two weeks.
Water regularly and feed with a high nitrogen fertiliser every two weeks.
On average, a single broccoli plant needs about 5 gallons of healthy garden soil to grow. Soil conditions for growing broccoli the broccoli plant likes to be grown in full sun, in a soil that is light, rich in organic matter and moist but not wet. Sow individual broccoli seeds in small degradable pots from late spring or directly in final position in may. 5 tips to grow big broccoli heads 1.