Brussel Sprout Plant Leaves. 'jade cross' f1 and jade cross e f1 (90 days): I love collard greens so i knew i’d love these leaves too.

The optimal time to plant brussels sprouts depends upon your climate and the harshness of the winter months. Light pruning of brussels sprout plants will encourage vigorous growth and further sprout development, which will give you more sprouts to sauté, roast, etc. Sauteed brussels sprout leaves make a tasty green side dish.
Light pruning of brussels sprout plants will encourage vigorous growth and further sprout development, which will give you more sprouts to sauté, roast, etc.
Light pruning of brussels sprout plants will encourage vigorous growth and further sprout development, which will give you more sprouts to sauté, roast, etc. Yellow leaves will otherwise fall of their own accord and this will attract slugs and snails which may then breed and/or go on to attack the healthy leaves. For plenty of leaves early sowing (late winter or early spring) is essential and careful planting into very fertile soil and subsequent careful watering. The brussels sprouts were young and tender and the leaves looked so fresh and vibrant.