Bugs Eating My Pepper Plants. It may seem tedious, but you avoid chemicals on your fruit and have the satisfaction of smashing your nemesis. The tiny black bugs on plants are normally either fungus gnats, aphids, or spider mites.

They’re large, look as if they’re wearing armor, and resemble stink bugs. To avoid flea beetles attacking my pepper leaves, i would plant pepper leaves later in the seasons after the flea beetle population dwindles. Growing your own vegetables also is a great way to teach kids about the wonders of nature and where their food comes from.
Stop bugs from eating pepper plants.
It may seem tedious, but you avoid chemicals on your fruit and have the satisfaction of smashing your nemesis. They’re large, look as if they’re wearing armor, and resemble stink bugs. We’re excited to see our favorite perennials pop back up, and maybe we’ve got some new plants that we want to introduce as well. Larger hot pepper pests can be dealt with by hand picking.