Catmint Companion Plants. The blue flowers and airy growth habit of catmint make it the perfect companion plant for a rose planting. Catmint can grow well in a variety of soil types.

Walker’s low catmint is as tough and easy to grow as they come. And they thrive in the same growing conditions of these perennials: Nepeta (catmint (companion plants) catmint's blue flowers mix beautifully with all the other flower colors.
Because of its spreading nature, it’s a great filler plant to provide color and green foliage between later blooming flowers.
Plants will tolerate full or partial sun but the taller varieties may require staking in less than full sun. It begins blooming very early in the spring and continues throughout most of the summer. Discover the different types of catmint including walkers low and junior walker, and also nepeta cataria (catnip). Use many of them as a gorgeous mass planting in tough spots as a low groundcover.