Cauliflower Companion Plants. Planting beans as a companion to cauliflower is the best possible companion combination. Keep your broccoli crop away from strawberries and tomatoes because they will hinder the growth of your broccoli plants.

Gardenzeus expert darren butler generally disagrees with most claims about usefulness of companion planting with cauliflower and brassicas and recommends planting cauliflower and other brassicas away from the rest of your vegetables and other plants. Both plants deter pests and attract beneficial insects. This is the chart that accompanies that article.
Before we talk about specific plants that grow well with cauliflower, let’s look at exactly what a companion planting is.
Three plants to plant as companion plants with cauliflower: Cabbages love to be surrounded by aromatic plants, with the single exception of rue. The cauliflower grows in a head, similar to a cabbage or lettuce. As mentioned, companion planting is when two or more species are planted together for their mutual benefit.