Cauliflower Growing Spacing. Growing cauliflower moving the starts outdoors Cauliflower plants should be kept growing vigorously from the seedling stage through harvest.

Rich, moist soil, firm with plenty of well rotted compost dug in. So why wait, let us dig into the details of growing hydroponic cauliflower. Like all plants, cauliflower seedlings start out small but can grow quite large at maturity, often measuring 2 feet across.
50cm (1' 7) each way (minimum) rows:
45cm (1' 5) with 60cm (1' 11) row gap (minimum) sow and plant. The most important idea when it comes to growing cauliflower is that of consistency. The trick to cauliflower is to keep it growing steadily once the seedlings are planted outdoors. A beneficiary of crop rotation if cared for correctly, you will be able to enjoy cauliflower in your own garden with little trouble.