Celebrity Tomato Plants Care. Vfnt celebrity grows well in almost every region and tolerates a broad range of conditions. When you try to cut off the patch to eat the tomato, the fruit inside looks mealy.

However you will get more and larger fruit if you keep the soil evenly moist once they start flowering and bearing fruit. ‘celebrity’ and ‘better boy’ have the added bonus of also being resistant to nematodes, a type of microscopic worm that attack tomato roots, stunting plants and reducing productivity. You can let tomatoes grow on the ground or support them with stakes or cages.
I would thin the plants down to 2 for your container.
Other than the celebrity tomato, he also developed the husky gold tomato and big beef tomato. Fertilizer for your celebrity tomatoes in order to grow large celebrity tomatoes, add a modest amount of nutrients to your plants diet. Tomato blight is certainly a big issue for many tomato plants in late summer. Tomato plant care is mostly about watering.if you've done a good job of that you're well on your way to a successful tomato harvest.