Cherry Tomato Plant Care Pot. Cherry tomato cherry tomato plants produce small, round fruits suitable for fresh eating and salads. Wind, heat, humidity, the size of the pot, and the kind of potting soil you use affects how often you need to water.

Bury the stem of the tomato plant. Cherry tomatoes comes in a wide range of colors! Insert your stake or cage into the pot before you fill it with soil.
Use cages to support your cherry tomato plants.
We have tried ‘terenzo’, ‘lizzano’, and ‘tumbling tom’. A wheeled plant caddy underneath the pot is helpful for moving the plants when needed. Unlike most cherry tomato varieties, this plant only grows 3 to 4 feet To prevent some common problems when growing cherry tomatoes, sprinkle a handful of lime into the bottom of each hole, and use a little tomato fertilizer to give your plants a strong start.