Cherry Tomato Plant Leaves Turning Yellow. Verticillium encircles the plant, but the yellowed pattern on leaves is. But, usually it is nothing need to worry about.

It doesn’t mean your plant won’t survive, but it does mean it needs a little extra care. Identify the affected part of the plant — is it the tomato itself, the leaves, stems, flowers or roots? Tomatoes need watering the most after transplanting into the garden, or when they are very young seedlings.
The longer the leaves remain on the plant, the more likely the fungus will spread up the plant to the healthy leaves.
Several types of fungal infections may cause the leaves of tomato plants to turn yellow and to acquire black spots. Whether because of dew or a recent rain, handling the plant when wet. Plant growth is also severely stunted and plants may take on the appearance of broccoli. As the plant's vascular system becomes plugged, the leaves yellow, brown and drop.