Cherry Tomato Plant Yellow Leaves. Second, as long as you see new, healthy growth on the tomato plant, it should recover. Whenever your plant’s leaves look pale, but the plant is otherwise healthy, try adding an organic liquid fertilizer first.

Therefore, if you're looking at a tomato plant with fruits at different stages of ripening, it's probably indeterminate. If it feels damp there, it’s probably too wet. If you wait around, your tomato plant could get top heavy and fall over, which will break or pinch the center stem.
A healthy tomato plant can get quite large, with some varieties growing into vines over 30 feet long in the right conditions.
Whether because of dew or a recent rain, handling the plant when wet. Lack of sunlight at the base of the plant; Once your tomato plant is about two feet tall, go ahead and put it in a cage. Can the plant recover with treatment or is it history?