Cocoa Bean Plantation In India. The dominican republic is an appropriate place to visit a… Beans belong to leguminaceae family and is an important vegetable crop cultivated throughout india for its green pod.

The department of horticulture has chalked out a programme to encourage farmers in many of the districts to take up cocoa plantation and is distributing high yielding grafts and seedlings. The developing areas in western java and sumatra are the result of cocoa planting which then develops rapidly. Chocolate is sold directly to the consumer as solid bars of eating chocolate, as packaged cocoa, and as baking chocolate.
Beans belong to leguminaceae family and is an important vegetable crop cultivated throughout india for its green pod.
Cacao, tropical evergreen tree grown for its edible seeds. In 2008, india produced approximately 8500 metric tonnes of. Cocoa tree belongs to the genus of” theobroma”. The cocoa bean is the seed of the cacao tree (theobroma cacao), a tropical plant indigenous to the equatorial regions of the americas.