Companion Planting Peas And Beans. Garlic is a great companion plant for roses to help repel aphids. This is where the same type of plant is grown en masse or in rows.

Dwarf beans with tomatoes or sweetcorn; The benefits of companion planting for peas or any other vegetable may be for pest control or aid in pollination. Planting beans in your garden.
Peas and green beans require similar growing conditions, making them good companions to plant together.
Corn and sunflowers can provide a bit of shade to beans) and encouraging pollination (some flowers attract pollinators, which helps plants that need these insects for production, like tomatoes). To repel aphids and beetles, plant marigolds and nasturtiums among your cucumbers. The benefits of companion planting for peas or any other vegetable may be for pest control or aid in pollination. Meanwhile, peas and other legumes such as beans are good companion plants for many other vegetables because they increase the availability of nitrogen in the soil.