Companion Planting Peas Uk. Alliums like onions, garlic, and chives stunt the growth of peas. Plant good companions bad companions asparagus tomato, basil, parsley potatoes beans carrots, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower leeks, chives, garlic, onions broad beans potatoes, lettuce fennel bush beans strawberries, grapes garlic, onions dwarf beans beetroot.

This entry was posted in companion planting and tagged aubergines, beans, carrots, celery, companion planting, parsley, peas, peppers, radishes, strawberries, sweetcorn, tomatoes on 30th december 2018 by steve jones. Onions contain an antibacterial action which would also be true of their roots. The technique of companion planting has been used by farmers and other horticulturists for centuries, beginning with native americans planting squash over 8,000 years ago but its complicated nature has meant that many gardeners are too scared to try it.
Companion planting is a form of polyculture and basically means planting different crops near each other for mutual benefit.
It was a perfect illustration that companion planting actually does work.” cam has even worked out the scientific reason for this: This could mean that they help each other by soil nutrition, physical, or other pest reduction means. Avoid planting peas and alliums in the same garden beds. Companion planting isn't just about pest control.