Copper Leaf Plant Florida. The root being attractive to domestic cats similar to catnip. This amazing plant has bright red long drooping tassel like flowers on varigated pink foliage.

Copperleaf, (genus acalypha), any of several plants of the spurge family (euphorbiaceae), but usually a. Copper leaf plant plant type: This colorful acalypha plant along with its cousin the chenille plant belongs to acalyphinae a subtribe of euphorbiaceae (a flowering plant species of the spurge family) and native in vanuatu and certain parts of the pacific island.
Acalypha copper plant has a heart or oval shape, and can grow up to 6 to 10 feet in height and a width of 4 to 8 feet, making it visually striking.
Next, remove any excess leaves from the cuttings. Red leaf plant south florida What i love about copper leaf is that the colour is in the leaves which means you can have constant colours throughout your garden and landscapes. This shrub grows quickly to its full formed size of about 3 to 5 feet.