Corn Bad Companion Plants. Beans, celery, corn, lettuce, dill, peas, and radishes are also good companion plants. Growing the plants in proximity that.

Aromatic herbs such as sage which will stunt the growth of cucumbers. Companion planting benefits cabbage several ways. This is one of the first companion plantings that i learned about and was quite surprised when i learned this because they are both very large plants.
Dried beans, unlike green, store for long periods of time and.
Melons do well with corn and were put with squash since they are in the same family. Dried beans, unlike green, store for long periods of time and. You pesky carrot fly varmints! Some plants repel pests that infest cabbage, and others lure them away.there are also plants that act as barriers, making it difficult for pests to reach the plants they infest and plants that attract insects that pollinate your garden or insects that prey on garden pests.