Cousin It Plant Dying. The way the plant dying back, too, with a bald spot slowly creeping across the pot, doesn't seem water related. Commonly called the ‘cousin it’ plant, this a great plant for tough conditions.

The way the plant dying back, too, with a bald spot slowly creeping across the pot, doesn't seem water related. Just $15.50 in the nursery now! I think the plant is green baby tears, pilea depressa.
The way the plant dying back, too, with a bald spot slowly creeping across the pot, doesn't seem water related.
The way the plant dying back, too, with a bald spot slowly creeping across the pot, doesn't seem water related. Hi, bascially my plant is dying and fairly fast too it seems. The australian woman said you can give your indoor plants a quick 'boost' by using banana skins. The plant has for as long as i remember seemed to be stable if a little saggy lo.