Cucumber Plant Leaves Dying. (1) if it is late in the season where you garden, this may be simply a sign of the plant winding down and aging; The leaves on your cucumber plants should ideally be smooth, broad, and offer a reasonable amount of shade to the fruit of the plant.

Cut through a wilting cuke at the base of a vine. Cucumbers (cucumis sativus) are easy to grow in your home garden. The leaves on your cucumber plants should ideally be smooth, broad, and offer a reasonable amount of shade to the fruit of the plant.
But the tender fruits green coloured with yellow flowers at edge grows and in 3 to 4 days growth turn into yellow colour and falls off.
Underwatered plant leaves are turning brown, wilt and look dying. Squash bugs feed on the stems of cucumber plants, draining the plant of water and nutrients and causing the leaves to wilt. While saggy cucumber plants during the summer afternoon is a normal phenomenon; Not only will nitrogen deficiency turn cuke leaves yellow, but it also stunts their growth.